Imaginarium Dice

Handmade in Switzerland

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I buy your dice?

On the Interwebs: 

Mostly here, on my website. I may also hold auctions / flash sales on my Instagram, and on various dice-related facebook groups. 

In person (Switzerland): 

Next conventions: No plans at the moment '^^

How much will your dice be?

While my prices may vary according to complexity of design and the price of materials, you will find my baseline pricing below. All prices on the website are in CHF (Swiss Francs).

For finished,standard sets, expect between 140-200 CHF.
For single d20s, expect 40-120 CHF (including chonks). These prices will be slightly adjusted depending on techniques, materials, and flaws.

For RAW dice, expect 40-80 CHF for sets (depending on number of dice in the set). This will also be adjusted depending on how "clean" the raw dice are. Some of them are pretty much "ink and go" (if you don't mind slight mold marks and a few dull patches), other need more work. As I do not have easy access to Zona papers, I do not sell finishing kits. Sorry. 

But... that's expensive! I can get much cheaper dice at the game shop! Is resin THAT expensive?

Resin isn't exactly cheap, but it's not what my prices are based on. Because they're not "just resin". They're made by me, by hand, in my attic. They're handmade, functional, playable works of art, created with immense care and a lot of love.

I also have to take my location into account: 
While I wish this wasn't the case, I live in what is (most years) the most expensive country in the world. Most of my raw materials have to be imported, as they aren't readily available locally, which adds a lot to their cost in shipping/taxes. Also, a single set requires several hours of work - usually 4 to 6, in my case - which means that while I'm just trying to make this a self-sustaining hobby, I do have to charge at least for some of my time.

Which payment methods do you accept?

On my website, I accept payment via Stripe (credit card). I have decided to disable PayPal payments due to the fact that PayPal fees are three times higher than Stripe ones, which was really nasty. If there's sufficient demand, I may add TWINT to the website in the future.
At conventions, I accept payments with TWINT, or by card (except Postfinance, sorry). For safety reasons, I do not accept cash payments at conventions (exceptions are made if you have the exact amount at the ready).

How does checkout work?

Your cart *should* hold items for you for a few minutes (this is in place to prevent checkout anxiety and disappointment), however if you wish to purchase several items I would definitely recommend going for what you want most, completing check out, and then going back for the other things. If you've made separate purchases and wish for your order to be consolidated, just reach out, and I will work out final shipping cost and refund the difference to you.

What about shipping?

You can find everything related to shipping on this page.
Please note that I am currently not able to ship to UK customers. I'm so sorry!

Why is the shop empty?

If you do not see any dice listed for sale, it means there aren't any available at the moment. As I do not make dice full time, I will update my shop when I have a decent amount of sets to list 🙂 
I will also list the sets for the upcoming shop update as "coming soon" so that they are up for preview, and then update the quantities at the time of the shop update. Shop updates will be announced on my social media, so definitely keep an eye out for that!

What is your return / refund / exchange policy?

As I am only one person, I cannot afford to offer refunds, returns, or exchanges at this time, and all purchases are final.

If your order arrives damaged, or doesn't arrive at all, please let me know. While I am not responsible for your parcel once it's in the postal system, I do want to help. The same applies if you are unhappy with your dice.

Do you take commissions?

Not as such. They give me very bad anxiety. The closest thing to comissions I will ever offer is a "submit color requests, and if I make it and you like it, you get dibs on buying it". If that's something you're interested in, just send me a DM on instagram!

I liked "X" set, but it was sold. Will you make it again?

Probably not. Except for "O.B.N.I", most of my designs are a one-off. I love to experiment, and this means a big part of my sets are happy little accidents. If there's something you're really, really in love with, reach out! If it's highly requested, I might give reproducing it a try. But I can't give any guarantees.

Do you do dice trades?

Yes! I absolutely love trades! If you're another dice maker, and you want to trade with me: reach out, there's a trade form in my linktree! I have a lot of requests, and I'm currently *extremely* behind on them, so it might take quite a while for me to get back to you.
I'm also happy to trade for art, or other ttrpg-related things 🙂
I also do sticker trades 🙂 

Do you make all of these dice by yourself?

Yes. I make each set myself, starting off with making my own molds, mixing and pouring the resin, sanding, polishing and painting the numbers. They are handmade by me, every step of the way. 

What are your dice made out of?

They are made out of resin, and whatever glitter, foil, ink, resin tint, flowers, moss, ... I decided to add alongside it when pouring a set. This usually means resin, alcohol ink and a lot of either liquid glitter and/or iridescent cellophane. And also my own (figurative) blood, sweat, and tears. 

ArE tHeY BaLaNcEd?

Short answer: Yes. They're more than balanced enough to use in a game where you tell stories in an imaginary world. So they're perfectly fine for casual tabletop play. Handmade dice are at least as balanced as your usual Chessex sets.

Long answer: It depends on what you mean by "balanced". No die is perfectly balanced. Casino dice are the closest to balanced dice we have. Handmade dice are not casino-grade dice. 
However my dice are cast under pressure to minimize bubbles, and all inclusions I use are either too light and small to matter, or are made out of the same resin the dice themselves are made out of. They are also hand-sanded and finished, and constantly checked during this process. In some designs with a lot of inclusions, this can make them less balanced than my usual styles, but this still won't make them unplayable. 

If I ever decide to use a ridiculous inclusion that would render the set unplayable, it WILL be clearly stated on the product listing. 
If you are planning on gambling with these, I suggest you look elsewhere. 

How else can I support you aside from buying your dice?

Every kind message you send and comment you leave on my posts always make my day, and that is already a huge source of support, not to mention whenever you decide to share one of my posts to your stories! But if you wish to support me financially, I do have a Ko-fi, even though I don't really advertise it beyond making a link available. 

I want to try making dice. Where do I start?

You shoud definitely check out The Great Library of Dicecraft, which is a facebook group to help dicemakers and share knowledge. 

If you're more into video tutorials, and less into facebook groups, I *highly* recommend Die Würfelschmiede on YouTube (especially if you're based in Europe). They have been an invaluable ressource in my journey. 🙂
You should also check out Rybonator, also on YouTube. 
There's many amazing dicemakers putting dicemaking videos out on there, and you should check them out as well (watch all the vids, there's no such thing as too many dice vids), I'm only naming my own starting points 🙂

Don't forget to get proper PPE, and don't be afraid to experiment! 

I live in Switzerland and I am having a hard time finding materials to make dice.

I know the struggle. I almost gave up on the craft because of how difficult some things can be to get into the country (pressure pot - nightmare). If you're another Swiss maker, please reach out to me on instagram, I would love to chat with you, and try to help out with supply sources!

I've also created a page that lists all the supplies that I use, where to get them, general pricing... The compilation of over14 months of trial and error is available here (in English) 

Where do you get your molds?

I make them myself, using custom-made dice masters designed and printed for (or by) me with my own fonts and logo.

If you're looking to get your own, I would check out ArcanaCast and RevelBroker, to name only a couple. If you'd like a longer list, check out the first issue of the Crafting Geeks magazine! 

If you're looking for ready-made molds, I suggest giving Werpy Dice Molds or Nanolabmaker a look, to name, again, only just a couple. 

Can I use your dice to make my own molds?

No. Absolutely not. Just. Don't.
I've listed some master makers above. Reach out to them. Reach out to me. If I can help or advise you, I will. 
Hell, I can't print to save my life, but if it comes to it and you're local, I'll probably even try to print something for you. But do not use my dice to make your own. Should you do it (even without intent to sell) and I find out about it, you will be banned from all future sales and giveaways, and I reserve the right to take further action.